
World's First Sport Tractor

My heart was always with trucks, not just pickup trucks, but the large tractor-

trailer type trucks. I found very few people who have such a desire for trucks as

you would find for sport cars, vintage cars, trains, etc. So on my own, I found a

truck (medium size) that would fit.  That is, a practical, can be parked in a

driveway, doesn't upset the neighbors (standard commercial size tractor truck

would), economical (costs less than the dually pickup trucks), and basically fun

to drive.

--Sanderrl 19:43, 25 September 2007 (UTC)



This was entered into Wikipedia back in 2009...

Since the last communication, the only article and the main article I was most interested in, and was working to create more details for, was ejected from Wikipedia.

Their basis for deleting was: (in plain english) "We do not support creation of new Terms" and my idea was not considered as and asset to Wiki.

My disappointment is grave. Something I was proud to show the world, will probably go to someone who has unlimited funds to support proliferation of new ideas, words, phrases, and thought processes.

I'm Sorry, your reviewers are closed minded. --Sanderrl (talk) 00:39, 1 December 2009 (UTC)

The article and new term "Sport Tractor" was deleted